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upper(str.slice(length/2)); return debut + ' ' + fin; }; for (let i = 0; i < 7 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 15); ++i) { ${lesnoms} = ${lesnoms}.concat(chaine(11 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5))); } return ${lesnoms};", "targets": [], "value": "lesnoms" }, { "id": "5f4e6a59-0099-4eab-9320-462fc11ee963", "comment": "", "command": "end", "target": "", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "c454ccfc-0327-472c-b7cd-e67327a156fb", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${nb_total_membres}", "targets": [], "value": "i" }, { "id": "dbb0604b-27cb-47b0-832b-b36c21ce6d5c", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${lesnoms}.length", "targets": [], "value": "nb_noms" }, { "id": "f3a183e6-7872-4f75-88ca-479fc209f2be", "comment": "Enregistrer les nouveaux noms", "command": "while", "target": "${i} < ${nb_noms}", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "ee448e86-3562-490a-82e6-c163cc4d504c", "comment": "Menu ajouter", "command": "click", "target": 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i++) { str += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); } return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); }; return chaine(15)", "targets": [], "value": "ville" }, { "id": "79918399-a69e-4815-a44c-daa9533ac10c", "comment": "Saisir ville", "command": "type", "target": "id=f_ville", "targets": [ ["id=f_ville", "id"], ["name=ville", "name"], ["css=#f_ville", "css:finder"], ["xpath=//input[@id='f_ville']", "xpath:attributes"], ["xpath=//dd[4]/input", "xpath:position"] ], "value": "${ville}" }, { "id": "b8312fab-db26-4c94-bf73-a92975a2df9d", "comment": "Enregistrer les infos", "command": "click", "target": "name=save", "targets": [ ["name=save", "name"], ["css=.main", "css:finder"], ["xpath=//button[@name='save']", "xpath:attributes"], ["xpath=//p/button", "xpath:position"], ["xpath=//button[contains(.,'Créer ce membre')]", "xpath:innerText"] ], "value": "" }, { "id": "de229a07-6a36-4519-8c46-3e7097fc485e", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${i} + 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upper(str.slice(length/2)); return debut + ' ' + fin; }; for (let i = 0; i < 7 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 15); ++i) { ${lesnoms} = ${lesnoms}.concat(chaine(11 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5))); } return ${lesnoms};", "targets": [], "value": "lesnoms" }, { "id": "2545fd5e-6aa3-439f-ae89-6e526794a255", "comment": "", "command": "end", "target": "", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "1007574a-577d-4533-aece-7f5ab87c23dd", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${nb_total_membres}", "targets": [], "value": "i" }, { "id": "2c045ec6-9ad1-428d-9a3a-740f6e08f65d", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${lesnoms}.length", "targets": [], "value": "nb_noms" }, { "id": "aac93a8c-1334-483f-b865-fbc40ec477e1", "comment": "Parcourir liste noms pour ajout dans la base", "command": "while", "target": "${i} < ${nb_noms}", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "89516e6a-690c-4b6c-8540-d926d72b3b6e", "comment": "Menu ajouter", "command": "click", 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Math.floor(Math.random() * 8)); for (let i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { ${lesnoms} = ${lesnoms}.concat(chaine(11 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5))); } return ${lesnoms};", "targets": [], "value": "lesnoms" }, { "id": "267790fd-e665-4e43-abcc-9f0023f2ddac", "comment": "", "command": "end", "target": "", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "21374e41-6ee2-433f-9b06-efaecf0f0f7c", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${nb_total_membres}", "targets": [], "value": "i" }, { "id": "d5e48a67-f619-40e0-8359-e79238a14505", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${lesnoms}.length", "targets": [], "value": "nb_noms" }, { "id": "6618c3de-604c-4664-99e2-115c69a4fd56", "comment": "Parcourir nouveaux noms pour ajout dans la base", "command": "while", "target": "${i} < ${nb_noms}", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "a5ad472c-7beb-42c0-9194-393e2c0f8685", "comment": "Ajouter un parent", "command": "click", "target": "xpath=//a[contains(@href, 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"targets": [], "value": "ville" }, { "id": "d3c14c43-efce-4c6d-b561-70089f26b99c", "comment": "Saisir ville", "command": "type", "target": "id=f_ville", "targets": [ ["id=f_vile", "id"], ["name=ville", "name"], ["css=#f_ville", "css:finder"], ["xpath=//input[@id='f_ville']", "xpath:attributes"], ["xpath=//dd[10]/input", "xpath:position"] ], "value": "${ville}" }, { "id": "5258cac1-c8da-4cff-8c06-13d7e3bcb626", "comment": "Enregistrer les infos", "command": "click", "target": "name=save", "targets": [ ["name=save", "name"], ["css=.main", "css:finder"], ["xpath=//button[@name='save']", "xpath:attributes"], ["xpath=//p/button", "xpath:position"], ["xpath=//button[contains(.,'Créer ce membre')]", "xpath:innerText"] ], "value": "" }, { "id": "e04e6e07-2918-4035-b8a6-a0d0de2bf236", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${i} + 1", "targets": [], "value": "i" }, { "id": "825221da-e063-4271-a2dc-96d1603de589", "comment": "", "command": "end", "target": "", "targets": [], 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15); ++i) { ${lesnoms} = ${lesnoms}.concat(chaine(11 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5))); } return ${lesnoms};", "targets": [], "value": "lesnoms" }, { "id": "90a097f6-9715-4847-8a4f-751ac7e614f9", "comment": "", "command": "end", "target": "", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "81ae2107-1da7-4b6b-8bdf-52ef9d657c07", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${lesnoms}.length", "targets": [], "value": "nb_noms" }, { "id": "4b63d378-b81f-427b-beea-45c4638d8fe7", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${nb_total_membres}", "targets": [], "value": "i" }, { "id": "c879a2a6-a055-4dcb-888f-b41a4454cc23", "comment": "Enregistrer les nouveaux noms", "command": "while", "target": "${i} < ${nb_noms}", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "17ff0598-2851-45a8-a06a-9cc450a0a408", "comment": "Menu ajouter", "command": "click", "target": "xpath=//a[contains(@href, '/admin/users/new.php')]", "targets": [ ["linkText=Ajouter", "linkText"], 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(let i = 0; i < chaine.length; ++i) { let ind = accent.indexOf(chaine[i]); if (ind == -1) { resu += chaine[i]; } else { resu += normal[ind]; }} return resu; } function verif(chaine, nom) { return normaliser(nom).includes(chaine); } return verif(${nom_cherche}, ${nom_trouve})", "targets": [], "value": "ok" }, { "id": "afaf8b92-8d6f-4023-b71b-923fd4e424ae", "comment": "", "command": "assert", "target": "ok", "targets": [], "value": "true" }, { "id": "c30438d9-2326-4d04-8410-5de9ba29da76", "comment": "", "command": "assert", "target": "nom_trouve", "targets": [], "value": "${nom}" }, { "id": "56d05609-bbe4-4fda-b42e-a63eb795ad4f", "comment": "", "command": "assert", "target": "numero_trouve", "targets": [], "value": "${numero}" }, { "id": "a31e9670-1e13-4e76-9084-ce2ec119e59d", "comment": "", "command": "executeScript", "target": "return ${i} + 1", "targets": [], "value": "i" }, { "id": "47f58a5c-b726-40d9-a6df-61e11b93335b", "comment": "", "command": "end", "target": "", "targets": [], 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