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=> { return b.num - a.num; }); let noms = []; tab.forEach((e) => { noms.push(e.nom); }); return noms;", + "targets": [], + "value": "lesnoms_dec" + }, { + "id": "87b363c9-1675-46e2-a46e-f818e5d27182", + "comment": "idem pour les numéros", + "command": "executeScript", + "target": "let tab = []; for (let i = 0; i < ${lesnumeros}.length; ++i) { let o = Object(); o.num=${lesnumeros}[i]; o.nom=${lesnoms}[i]; tab.push(o); } ; tab.sort((a, b) => { return b.num - a.num; }); let nums = []; tab.forEach((e) => { nums.push(e.num); }); return nums;", + "targets": [], + "value": "lesnumeros_dec" + }, { + "id": "2a70cfc3-5ce3-4e97-965b-f4c33a6eda51", + "comment": "Afficher les noms triés par numéro décroissant", + "command": "echo", + "target": "Tableau des noms triés", + "targets": [], + "value": "" + }, { + "id": "38e2d870-2dfb-45f8-b288-300769e530f8", + "comment": "", + "command": "executeScript", + "target": "return 0", + "targets": [], + "value": "i" + }, { + "id": 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