2024-12-23 12:03:00 +01:00
{{* -*- brindille -*- *}}
{{* Liste des immobilisations amortissable ou à définir *}}
<section class="immobilisation">
2025-01-10 13:53:47 +01:00
{{if $amort == "amort"}}
<h2 class="ruler">Immobilisations en cours</h2>
<h2 class="ruler">Immobilisations amorties</h2>
2024-12-23 12:03:00 +01:00
<table class="list">
2025-01-06 15:24:45 +01:00
<th class="nombre">Montant</th>
<th class="nombre">Durée</th>
2024-12-23 12:03:00 +01:00
<th>N° compte</th>
<th class="actions"></th>
{{* lister les immobilisations *}}
{{:read file="./defaut.json" assign="config_json"}}
{{:assign config_defaut=$config_json|json_decode}}
{{:assign var="prefix_array" value=$config_defaut.prefixes|keys}}
{{:assign quote="'"}}
{{:assign condition="("}}
{{#foreach from=$prefix_array item="code"}}
{{:assign condition=$condition|cat:" account.code LIKE "|cat:$quote|cat:$code|cat:"%"|cat:$quote|cat:" OR "}}
{{:assign condition=$condition|cat:"0)"}}
2025-01-20 17:11:59 +01:00
{{:assign condition=$condition|cat:" AND debit > 0 AND NOT (trans.status & 16)"}}
2024-12-23 12:03:00 +01:00
trans.id as trans_id,
trans.label as trans_label,
trans.date as trans_date,
line.id as immo_id,
account.id as account_id,
account.code as account_code,
account.label as account_label,
line.debit AS debit,
project.label as project_label,
trans.id_year as trans_id_year
FROM acc_transactions AS trans
INNER JOIN acc_transactions_lines AS line ON line.id_transaction = trans.id
INNER JOIN acc_accounts AS account ON line.id_account = account.id
INNER JOIN acc_years AS years ON trans.id_year = years.id
LEFT JOIN acc_projects AS project ON line.id_project = project.id
WHERE !condition
ORDER BY trans.date DESC;
{{:assign trans_url="%s/acc/transactions/details.php?id=%s"|args:$admin_url:$trans_id}}
{{:assign compte_url="%s/acc/accounts/journal.php?id=%s&year=%s"|args:$admin_url:$account_id:$trans_id_year}}
{{:assign duration=null}}
2025-01-09 18:51:49 +01:00
{{* voir si l'immo est prise en charge *}}
2024-12-23 12:03:00 +01:00
{{#load type="immo" where="$$.line = :line_id" :line_id=$immo_id|intval}}
{{:assign duration=$duration}}
{{if $noamort}}
{{:assign amortissable="non"}}
{{:assign amortissable="oui"}}
{{:assign amortissable="nsp"}}
{{if $amortissable == "non"}}
2024-12-27 11:23:58 +01:00
{{* voir s'il existe des écritures d'amortissement associées *}}
2025-01-06 15:14:29 +01:00
sum(l_amort.credit) as amort_amount,
CASE links.id_related = t_immo.id
WHEN true THEN links.id_transaction
WHEN false THEN links.id_related
END as amort_trans_id
FROM acc_transactions_lines as l_immo
INNER JOIN acc_transactions as t_immo on t_immo.id = l_immo.id_transaction
INNER JOIN acc_transactions_links as links
ON (
t_immo.id = links.id_transaction
t_immo.id = links.id_related
INNER JOIN acc_transactions_lines as l_amort on amort_trans_id = l_amort.id_transaction
2025-01-31 12:23:30 +01:00
INNER JOIN acc_accounts AS account ON l_amort.id_account = account.id
2025-01-06 15:14:29 +01:00
l_immo.id = :line_id
2025-01-31 12:23:30 +01:00
l_amort.credit <> 0
account.code LIKE '28%';
2025-01-06 15:14:29 +01:00
:line_id = $immo_id|intval
2024-12-27 11:23:58 +01:00
2025-01-06 15:14:29 +01:00
{{if $amort_amount == null}}
{{:assign exist_amort=false}}
2025-01-09 18:51:49 +01:00
{{:assign amort_amount=0}}
2025-01-06 15:14:29 +01:00
{{:assign amort_amount=$amort_amount}}
{{:assign exist_amort=true}}
2024-12-27 11:23:58 +01:00
2025-01-06 15:14:29 +01:00
{{* immo amortie ? *}}
2025-01-10 13:53:47 +01:00
{{if $amort == "amort" && $amort_amount >= $debit ||
$amort == "fini" && $amort_amount < $debit
2025-01-06 15:14:29 +01:00
2024-12-23 12:03:00 +01:00
<td class="num"><a href={{$trans_url}}>#{{$trans_id}}</a></td>
<td class="money">{{"%f"|math:$debit|money}}</td>
2025-01-06 15:24:45 +01:00
<td class="money">{{if $duration != null}}{{$duration}}{{/if}}</td>
2024-12-23 12:03:00 +01:00
<td><a href={{$compte_url}}>{{$account_code}}</a></td>
<td class="actions">
2025-01-10 13:53:47 +01:00
{{if ! $exist_amort && $duration == null}}
2024-12-27 11:23:58 +01:00
label="Ajouter infos"
2024-12-23 12:03:00 +01:00
2024-12-27 11:23:58 +01:00
{{if ! $exist_amort}}
label="Modifier infos"
2025-01-10 13:53:47 +01:00
2024-12-27 11:23:58 +01:00
2024-12-23 12:03:00 +01:00