Modifications français-french, uniquement dans sty ; ajout package gnuplottex et rédaction exemple graphe gnuplot chapitre 3
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,6 +76,10 @@
{€}{{\EUR}}1 {£}{{\pounds}}1
% Unités et graphes
\usepackage[siunitx]{gnuplottex} % pour permettre l'utilisation de gnuplot avec siunitx
% Subfig
\usepackage{subfig} % Pour faire des sous-figures
@ -270,6 +270,52 @@ Les graphiques peuvent être traités de deux manières différentes dans \LaTeX
On laissera au lecteur intéressé le soin de découvrir \emph{Gnuplot}, que nous recommandons, mais dont l'utilisation dépasse le cadre d'un travail de maturité.
Cependant, pour référence, nous présentons ci-dessous un exemple de graphe réalisé avec Gnuplot et le code du listing \ref{listing:gnuplotlatex}, correspondant à la figure \ref{pic:gnuplotlatex}, page \pageref{pic:gnuplotlatex}.
\begin{lstlisting}[float,caption={Exemple de code Gnuplot dans \LaTeX},label={listing:gnuplotlatex}]
\begin{gnuplot}[terminal=epslatex, terminaloptions=color dashed]
set key bottom left Left
set key width 1.5
set sample 1000
set xr [0:110]
set yr [0:20]
set xlabel 'Masse (\si{\gram})' # attention il faut parfois utiliser certains guillemets
# notamment quand on utilise la commande \si, il faut impérativement des primes '...'
set ylabel "Période (puls)"
#plot test.txt w l lc 1 t "$\sin(x)$",cos(x) w l lc 2 t "$\cos(x)$",tan(x) w l lc 3 t "$\tan(x)$",tanh(x) w l lc 4 t "$\tanh(x)$"
plot 'test.txt'\
index 2 u 1:2:3 title 'Petites masses' w yerrorbars pt 4
\caption[Période vs masse]{Le pendule simple\par \small Période vs masse (L~=~\SI{1}{\metre} ; \(\alpha = \SI{30}{\degres}\))}%
Relevez que le fichier des données, nommé \emph{test.txt}, est ici situé au même niveau que le fichier \emph{main.tex}. Nous ne commenterons pas ici les commandes permettant d'obtenir le graphe de la figure \ref{pic:gnuplotlatex}.
\begin{gnuplot}[terminal=epslatex, terminaloptions=color dashed]
set key bottom left Left
set key width 1.5
set sample 1000
set xr [0:110]
set yr [0:20]
set xlabel 'Masse (\si{\gram})' # attention il faut parfois utiliser certains guillemets
# notamment quand on utilise la commande \si, il faut impérativement des primes '...'
set ylabel "Période (puls)"
#plot test.txt w l lc 1 t "$\sin(x)$",cos(x) w l lc 2 t "$\cos(x)$",tan(x) w l lc 3 t "$\tan(x)$",tanh(x) w l lc 4 t "$\tanh(x)$"
plot 'test.txt'\
index 2 u 1:2:3 title 'Petites masses' w yerrorbars pt 4
\caption[Période vs masse]{Le pendule simple\par \small Période vs masse (L~=~\SI{1}{\metre} ; \(\alpha = \SI{30}{\degres}\))}%
Pour permettre à \LaTeX{} d'utiliser Gnuplot, il est nécessaire d'ajouter les options~: \emph{-enable-write18 -shell-escape} à la commande de compilation \lstinline|latex|. Ainsi, pour Texmaker, sous \og Configurer Texmaker \fg{} du menu \emph{Options}, la ligne \lstinline|LaTeX| de l'onglet \emph{Commandes} doit être la suivante~: \lstinline|latex -enable-write18 -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|.
\section{Code source\index{code source}}
Pour les travaux de maturité en informatique, il est nécessaire de pouvoir présenter du code. Pour cela on utilise l'environnement \lstinline|lstlisting| (du pacakge listings\index{module!listings}) que le code \ref{listing:gestioncode} présente et qui constitue en lui-même le résultat qu'on obtient.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
%%Title: main-gnuplottex-fig1.tex
%%Creator: gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 6
%%CreationDate: Fri Jan 15 22:38:05 2021
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/gnudict 256 dict def
gnudict begin
% The following true/false flags may be edited by hand if desired.
% The unit line width and grayscale image gamma correction may also be changed.
/Color true def
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% Gnuplot Prolog Version 5.2 (Dec 2017)
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Blacktext {gsave 0 setgray textshow grestore} {textshow} ifelse} def
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Blacktext {gsave 0 setgray textshow grestore} {textshow} ifelse} def
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/DL {Color {setrgbcolor Solid {pop []} if 0 setdash}
{pop pop pop 0 setgray Solid {pop []} if 0 setdash} ifelse} def
/BL {stroke userlinewidth 2 mul setlinewidth
Rounded {1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap} if} def
/AL {stroke userlinewidth 2 div setlinewidth
Rounded {1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap} if} def
/UL {dup gnulinewidth mul /userlinewidth exch def
dup 1 lt {pop 1} if 10 mul /udl exch def} def
/PL {stroke userlinewidth setlinewidth
Rounded {1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap} if} def
3.8 setmiterlimit
% Classic Line colors (version 5.0)
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% Default dash patterns (version 5.0)
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/LT5 {PL [4 dl1 2 dl2] LC5 DL} def
/LT6 {PL [1.5 dl1 1.5 dl2 1.5 dl1 1.5 dl2 1.5 dl1 6 dl2] LC6 DL} def
/LT7 {PL [3 dl1 3 dl2 1 dl1 3 dl2] LC7 DL} def
/LT8 {PL [2 dl1 2 dl2 2 dl1 6 dl2] LC8 DL} def
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hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath stroke
Pnt} def
/Pls {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt sub M 0 vpt2 V
currentpoint stroke M
hpt neg vpt neg R hpt2 0 V stroke
} def
/Box {stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
hpt2 neg 0 V closepath stroke
Pnt} def
/Crs {stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
hpt2 vpt2 neg V currentpoint stroke M
hpt2 neg 0 R hpt2 vpt2 V stroke} def
/TriU {stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 1.12 mul add M
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath stroke
Pnt} def
/Star {2 copy Pls Crs} def
/BoxF {stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
hpt2 neg 0 V closepath fill} def
/TriUF {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath fill} def
/TriD {stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 1.12 mul sub M
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath stroke
Pnt} def
/TriDF {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath fill} def
/DiaF {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath fill} def
/Pent {stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy gsave
translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
closepath stroke grestore Pnt} def
/PentF {stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
closepath fill grestore} def
/Circle {stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy
hpt 0 360 arc stroke Pnt} def
/CircleF {stroke [] 0 setdash hpt 0 360 arc fill} def
/C0 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto vpt 90 450 arc} bind def
/C1 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 90 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C2 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 90 180 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C3 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 180 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C4 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 180 270 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C5 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 90 arc
2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 180 270 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc} bind def
/C6 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 90 270 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C7 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 270 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C8 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C9 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 270 450 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C10 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy 2 copy moveto vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 90 180 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C11 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 180 arc closepath fill
2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C12 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 180 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C13 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 90 arc closepath fill
2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 180 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/C14 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 90 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc} bind def
/C15 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 0 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath} bind def
/Rec {newpath 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto
neg 0 rlineto closepath} bind def
/Square {dup Rec} bind def
/Bsquare {vpt sub exch vpt sub exch vpt2 Square} bind def
/S0 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto 0 vpt rlineto BL Bsquare} bind def
/S1 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt Square fill Bsquare} bind def
/S2 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill Bsquare} bind def
/S3 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt2 vpt Rec fill Bsquare} bind def
/S4 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare} bind def
/S5 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy 2 copy vpt Square fill
exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare} bind def
/S6 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill Bsquare} bind def
/S7 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill
2 copy vpt Square fill Bsquare} bind def
/S8 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare} bind def
/S9 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill Bsquare} bind def
/S10 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill
Bsquare} bind def
/S11 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt2 vpt Rec fill
Bsquare} bind def
/S12 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill Bsquare} bind def
/S13 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill
2 copy vpt Square fill Bsquare} bind def
/S14 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill
2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill Bsquare} bind def
/S15 {BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy Bsquare fill Bsquare} bind def
/D0 {gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S0 stroke grestore} bind def
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/D8 {gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S8 stroke grestore} bind def
/D9 {gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S9 stroke grestore} bind def
/D10 {gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S10 stroke grestore} bind def
/D11 {gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S11 stroke grestore} bind def
/D12 {gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S12 stroke grestore} bind def
/D13 {gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S13 stroke grestore} bind def
/D14 {gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S14 stroke grestore} bind def
/D15 {gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S15 stroke grestore} bind def
/DiaE {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath stroke} def
/BoxE {stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
hpt2 neg 0 V closepath stroke} def
/TriUE {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath stroke} def
/TriDE {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath stroke} def
/PentE {stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
closepath stroke grestore} def
/CircE {stroke [] 0 setdash
hpt 0 360 arc stroke} def
/Opaque {gsave closepath 1 setgray fill grestore 0 setgray closepath} def
/DiaW {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V Opaque stroke} def
/BoxW {stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
hpt2 neg 0 V Opaque stroke} def
/TriUW {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V Opaque stroke} def
/TriDW {stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V Opaque stroke} def
/PentW {stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
Opaque stroke grestore} def
/CircW {stroke [] 0 setdash
hpt 0 360 arc Opaque stroke} def
/BoxFill {gsave Rec 1 setgray fill grestore} def
/Density {
/Fillden exch def
/ColB exch def /ColG exch def /ColR exch def
/ColR ColR Fillden mul Fillden sub 1 add def
/ColG ColG Fillden mul Fillden sub 1 add def
/ColB ColB Fillden mul Fillden sub 1 add def
ColR ColG ColB setrgbcolor} def
/BoxColFill {gsave Rec PolyFill} def
/PolyFill {gsave Density fill grestore grestore} def
/h {rlineto rlineto rlineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke} bind def
% PostScript Level 1 Pattern Fill routine for rectangles
% Usage: x y w h s a XX PatternFill
% x,y = lower left corner of box to be filled
% w,h = width and height of box
% a = angle in degrees between lines and x-axis
% XX = 0/1 for no/yes cross-hatch
/PatternFill {gsave /PFa [ 9 2 roll ] def
PFa 0 get PFa 2 get 2 div add PFa 1 get PFa 3 get 2 div add translate
PFa 2 get -2 div PFa 3 get -2 div PFa 2 get PFa 3 get Rec
TransparentPatterns {} {gsave 1 setgray fill grestore} ifelse
currentlinewidth 0.5 mul setlinewidth
/PFs PFa 2 get dup mul PFa 3 get dup mul add sqrt def
0 0 M PFa 5 get rotate PFs -2 div dup translate
0 1 PFs PFa 4 get div 1 add floor cvi
{PFa 4 get mul 0 M 0 PFs V} for
0 PFa 6 get ne {
0 1 PFs PFa 4 get div 1 add floor cvi
{PFa 4 get mul 0 2 1 roll M PFs 0 V} for
} if
stroke grestore} def
/languagelevel where
{pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse
dup 2 lt
{/InterpretLevel1 true def
/InterpretLevel3 false def}
{/InterpretLevel1 Level1 def
2 gt
{/InterpretLevel3 Level3 def}
{/InterpretLevel3 false def}
ifelse }
% PostScript level 2 pattern fill definitions
/Level2PatternFill {
/Tile8x8 {/PaintType 2 /PatternType 1 /TilingType 1 /BBox [0 0 8 8] /XStep 8 /YStep 8}
bind def
/KeepColor {currentrgbcolor [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] setcolorspace} bind def
<< Tile8x8
/PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop 0 0 M 8 8 L 0 8 M 8 0 L stroke}
>> matrix makepattern
/Pat1 exch def
<< Tile8x8
/PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop 0 0 M 8 8 L 0 8 M 8 0 L stroke
0 4 M 4 8 L 8 4 L 4 0 L 0 4 L stroke}
>> matrix makepattern
/Pat2 exch def
<< Tile8x8
/PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop 0 0 M 0 8 L
8 8 L 8 0 L 0 0 L fill}
>> matrix makepattern
/Pat3 exch def
<< Tile8x8
/PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop -4 8 M 8 -4 L
0 12 M 12 0 L stroke}
>> matrix makepattern
/Pat4 exch def
<< Tile8x8
/PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop -4 0 M 8 12 L
0 -4 M 12 8 L stroke}
>> matrix makepattern
/Pat5 exch def
<< Tile8x8
/PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop -2 8 M 4 -4 L
0 12 M 8 -4 L 4 12 M 10 0 L stroke}
>> matrix makepattern
/Pat6 exch def
<< Tile8x8
/PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop -2 0 M 4 12 L
0 -4 M 8 12 L 4 -4 M 10 8 L stroke}
>> matrix makepattern
/Pat7 exch def
<< Tile8x8
/PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop 8 -2 M -4 4 L
12 0 M -4 8 L 12 4 M 0 10 L stroke}
>> matrix makepattern
/Pat8 exch def
<< Tile8x8
/PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop 0 -2 M 12 4 L
-4 0 M 12 8 L -4 4 M 8 10 L stroke}
>> matrix makepattern
/Pat9 exch def
/Pattern1 {PatternBgnd KeepColor Pat1 setpattern} bind def
/Pattern2 {PatternBgnd KeepColor Pat2 setpattern} bind def
/Pattern3 {PatternBgnd KeepColor Pat3 setpattern} bind def
/Pattern4 {PatternBgnd KeepColor Landscape {Pat5} {Pat4} ifelse setpattern} bind def
/Pattern5 {PatternBgnd KeepColor Landscape {Pat4} {Pat5} ifelse setpattern} bind def
/Pattern6 {PatternBgnd KeepColor Landscape {Pat9} {Pat6} ifelse setpattern} bind def
/Pattern7 {PatternBgnd KeepColor Landscape {Pat8} {Pat7} ifelse setpattern} bind def
} def
%End of PostScript Level 2 code
/PatternBgnd {
TransparentPatterns {} {gsave 1 setgray fill grestore} ifelse
} def
% Substitute for Level 2 pattern fill codes with
% grayscale if Level 2 support is not selected.
/Level1PatternFill {
/Pattern1 {0.250 Density} bind def
/Pattern2 {0.500 Density} bind def
/Pattern3 {0.750 Density} bind def
/Pattern4 {0.125 Density} bind def
/Pattern5 {0.375 Density} bind def
/Pattern6 {0.625 Density} bind def
/Pattern7 {0.875 Density} bind def
} def
% Now test for support of Level 2 code
Level1 {Level1PatternFill} {Level2PatternFill} ifelse
/Symbol-Oblique /Symbol findfont [1 0 .167 1 0 0] makefont
dup length dict begin {1 index /FID eq {pop pop} {def} ifelse} forall
currentdict end definefont pop
Level1 SuppressPDFMark or
{} {
/SDict 10 dict def
systemdict /pdfmark known not {
userdict /pdfmark systemdict /cleartomark get put
} if
SDict begin [
/Title (main-gnuplottex-fig1.tex)
/Subject (gnuplot plot)
/Creator (gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 6)
% /Producer (gnuplot)
% /Keywords ()
/CreationDate (Fri Jan 15 22:38:05 2021)
/DOCINFO pdfmark
} ifelse
% Support for boxed text - Ethan A Merritt Sep 2016
/InitTextBox { userdict /TBy2 3 -1 roll put userdict /TBx2 3 -1 roll put
userdict /TBy1 3 -1 roll put userdict /TBx1 3 -1 roll put
/Boxing true def } def
/ExtendTextBox { dup type /stringtype eq
{ Boxing { gsave dup false charpath pathbbox
dup TBy2 gt {userdict /TBy2 3 -1 roll put} {pop} ifelse
dup TBx2 gt {userdict /TBx2 3 -1 roll put} {pop} ifelse
dup TBy1 lt {userdict /TBy1 3 -1 roll put} {pop} ifelse
dup TBx1 lt {userdict /TBx1 3 -1 roll put} {pop} ifelse
grestore } if }
{} ifelse} def
/PopTextBox { newpath TBx1 TBxmargin sub TBy1 TBymargin sub M
TBx1 TBxmargin sub TBy2 TBymargin add L
TBx2 TBxmargin add TBy2 TBymargin add L
TBx2 TBxmargin add TBy1 TBymargin sub L closepath } def
/DrawTextBox { PopTextBox stroke /Boxing false def} def
/FillTextBox { gsave PopTextBox fill grestore /Boxing false def} def
0 0 0 0 InitTextBox
/TBxmargin 20 def
/TBymargin 20 def
/Boxing false def
/textshow { ExtendTextBox Gshow } def
%%Page: 1 1
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50 50 translate
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-63 0 V
946 1733 M
63 0 V
5794 0 R
-63 0 V
946 2762 M
63 0 V
5794 0 R
-63 0 V
946 3790 M
63 0 V
5794 0 R
-63 0 V
946 4819 M
63 0 V
5794 0 R
-63 0 V
946 704 M
0 63 V
0 4052 R
0 -63 V
2011 704 M
0 63 V
0 4052 R
0 -63 V
3076 704 M
0 63 V
0 4052 R
0 -63 V
4141 704 M
0 63 V
0 4052 R
0 -63 V
5206 704 M
0 63 V
0 4052 R
0 -63 V
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0 63 V
0 4052 R
0 -63 V
1.000 UL
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0 4115 V
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Z stroke
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
% Begin plot #1
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
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LCb setrgbcolor
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
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0 -62 V
591 62 R
0 -62 V
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62 0 V
-62 411 R
62 0 V
502 -617 R
0 411 V
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62 0 V
-62 411 R
62 0 V
501 -205 R
0 411 V
-31 -411 R
62 0 V
-62 411 R
62 0 V
502 -823 R
0 412 V
-31 -412 R
62 0 V
-62 412 R
62 0 V
501 0 R
0 411 V
-31 -411 R
62 0 V
-62 411 R
62 0 V
502 -411 R
0 411 V
-31 -411 R
62 0 V
-62 411 R
62 0 V
501 -617 R
0 411 V
-31 -411 R
62 0 V
-62 411 R
62 0 V
502 -205 R
0 411 V
-31 -411 R
62 0 V
-62 411 R
62 0 V
501 -617 R
0 411 V
-31 -411 R
62 0 V
-62 411 R
62 0 V
502 -411 R
0 411 V
-31 -411 R
62 0 V
-62 411 R
62 0 V
1478 3790 Box
2011 3585 Box
2543 3790 Box
3076 3379 Box
3608 3790 Box
4141 3790 Box
4673 3585 Box
5206 3790 Box
5738 3585 Box
6271 3585 Box
3551 877 Box
% End plot #1
2.000 UL
LCb setrgbcolor
[] 0 setdash
1.000 UL
946 4819 N
946 704 L
5857 0 V
0 4115 V
-5857 0 V
Z stroke
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
set terminal epslatex color dashed
set output 'main-gnuplottex-fig1.tex'
set format '\num{%g}'
set key bottom left Left
set key width 1.5
set sample 1000
set xr [0:110]
set yr [0:20]
set xlabel 'Masse (\si{\gram})' # attention il faut parfois utiliser certains guillemets
# notamment quand on utilise la commande \si, il faut impérativement des primes '...'
set ylabel "Période (puls)"
#plot test.txt w l lc 1 t "$\sin(x)$",cos(x) w l lc 2 t "$\cos(x)$",tan(x) w l lc 3 t "$\tan(x)$",tanh(x) w l lc 4 t "$\tanh(x)$"
plot 'test.txt'\
index 2 u 1:2:3 title 'Petites masses' w yerrorbars pt 4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
% GNUPLOT: LaTeX picture with Postscript
\GenericError{(gnuplot) \space\space\space\@spaces}{%
Package color not loaded in conjunction with
terminal option `colourtext'%
}{See the gnuplot documentation for explanation.%
}{Either use 'blacktext' in gnuplot or load the package
color.sty in LaTeX.}%
\GenericError{(gnuplot) \space\space\space\@spaces}{%
Package graphicx or graphics not loaded%
}{See the gnuplot documentation for explanation.%
}{The gnuplot epslatex terminal needs graphicx.sty or graphics.sty.}%
% define a \g@addto@macro without @ in the name:
% define empty templates for all commands taking text:
% no textcolor at all
% gray or color?
\expandafter\def\csname LTw\endcsname{\color{white}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LTb\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LTa\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT0\endcsname{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT1\endcsname{\color[rgb]{0,1,0}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT2\endcsname{\color[rgb]{0,0,1}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT3\endcsname{\color[rgb]{1,0,1}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT4\endcsname{\color[rgb]{0,1,1}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT5\endcsname{\color[rgb]{1,1,0}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT6\endcsname{\color[rgb]{0,0,0}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT7\endcsname{\color[rgb]{1,0.3,0}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT8\endcsname{\color[rgb]{0.5,0.5,0.5}}%
% gray
\expandafter\def\csname LTw\endcsname{\color{white}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LTb\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LTa\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT0\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT1\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT2\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT3\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT4\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT5\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT6\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT7\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\expandafter\def\csname LT8\endcsname{\color{black}}%
\csname LTb\endcsname%%
\csname LTb\endcsname%%
\put(198,2761){\rotatebox{-270}{\makebox(0,0){\strut{}Période (puls)}}}%
\put(3874,154){\makebox(0,0){\strut{}Masse (\si{\gram})}}%
\csname LTb\endcsname%%
\put(1078,877){\makebox(0,0)[l]{\strut{}Petites masses}}%
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.1} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure grande taille \url {}}{22}
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.2} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure taille normale \url {}}{23}
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.3} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure petite taille \url {}}{24}
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.4} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure tr\IeC {\`e}s petite taille \url {}}{24}
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.5} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure multiple}{24}
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.6} GFDL}{25}
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.1} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure grande taille \url {}}{24}%
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.2} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure taille normale \url {}}{25}%
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.3} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure petite taille \url {}}{26}%
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.4} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure tr\IeC {\`e}s petite taille \url {}}{26}%
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.5} Cr\IeC {\'e}dit figure multiple}{26}%
\contentsline {credits}{\numberline {3.6} GFDL}{27}%
Normal file
Normal file
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {1.1}Le manifeste : manifest.manifest}{3}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {2.1}L'option draft}{8}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.1}L'environnement de citation}{11}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.2}Les commandes de placement des figures}{12}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.3}La commande de r\IeC {\'e}f\IeC {\'e}rence \IeC {\`a} une figure}{12}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.4}Commande classique de placement d'une figure}{12}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.5}Commande de placement de multiples figures}{13}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.6}L'environnement pour placer un tableau}{14}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.7}Changer l'intitul\IeC {\'e} de la r\IeC {\'e}f\IeC {\'e}rence}{14}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.8}L'environnement pour importer un tableau Gnumeric}{15}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.9}Un tableau plus complexe}{16}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.10}L'environnement pour placer du code}{18}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.11}La r\IeC {\'e}f\IeC {\'e}rence \IeC {\`a} un site web}{18}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.12}La r\IeC {\'e}f\IeC {\'e}rence \IeC {\`a} un ouvrage}{20}
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {1.1}Le manifeste : manifest.manifest}{3}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {2.1}L'option draft}{8}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.1}L'environnement de citation}{11}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.2}Les commandes de placement des figures}{12}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.3}La commande de r\IeC {\'e}f\IeC {\'e}rence \IeC {\`a} une figure}{12}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.4}Commande classique de placement d'une figure}{12}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.5}Commande de placement de multiples figures}{13}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.6}L'environnement pour placer un tableau}{14}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.7}Changer l'intitul\IeC {\'e} de la r\IeC {\'e}f\IeC {\'e}rence}{14}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.8}L'environnement pour importer un tableau Gnumeric}{15}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.9}Un tableau plus complexe}{17}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.10}Exemple de code Gnuplot dans \LaTeX }{18}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.11}L'environnement pour placer du code}{19}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.12}La r\IeC {\'e}f\IeC {\'e}rence \IeC {\`a} un site web}{20}%
\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {3.13}La r\IeC {\'e}f\IeC {\'e}rence \IeC {\`a} un ouvrage}{21}%
@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
% Plusieurs éléments de présentation aidant à la rédaction seront alors retirés (filigrane, notes de todo, repère de lignes trop longues, ...)
% Pour mémoire, ne pas en tenir compte
%------ DÉBUT DU PRÉAMBULE --------
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 1 0.1 1 2
2 4 0.4 2 4
3 11 0.2 3 6
4 18 0.5 4 8
5 26 0.3 5 10
6 31 0.1 6 12
10 16 5
20 45 10
30 53 15
40 89 20
50 110 25
60 135 30
70 140 35
80 155 40
90 170 45
100 200 50
10 15 1
20 14 1
30 15 1
40 13 1
50 15 1
60 15 1
70 14 1
80 15 1
90 14 1
100 14 1
Reference in New Issue
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