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%% 11 juin 2010
%% algorithmique.sty
%% S O F T W A R E L I C E N S E
%% =================================
%% The file pseudocode.sty
%% is referred to as `the pseudocode package'
%% or simply `the package'.
%% The pseudocode package is copyright 1999 D.L. Kreher and D.R. Stinson.
%% The pseudocode package and its drivers may be distributed and/or modified
%% under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version
%% 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
%% The package has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
%% Francisé par Alain Busser, Lycée Roland-Garros, Le Tampon
%% end of software license
%% algorithmique.sty est un fichier de style LaTeX, comprenant:
%% l'environment pseudocode traduit en Français
%% À placer là où LaTeX cherche des fichiers.
%% Voir pseudocode.tex.
%% Copying of part or all of this file is allowed under the following
%% conditions only:
%% (1) You may freely distribute unchanged copies of the file. Please
%% include the documentation when you do so.
%% (2) You may modify a renamed copy of the file, but only for personal
%% use or use within an organization.
%% (3) You may copy fragments from the file, for personal use or for
%% distribution, as long as credit is given where credit is due.
%% You are NOT ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of
%% this file or modified versions or fragments thereof, except for
%% a nominal charge for copying etc.
%% CODE:
\typeout{** }
\typeout{** Document Style `algorithmique' }
\typeout{** by D.L. Kreher and D.R. Stinson }
\typeout{** Alain Busser }
\newcommand{\pcode@AF}[1]{\mbox{\textsc{#1}}} % choix de la police
{\bfseries Algorithme \thepseudocode:\pcode@tab{1}}\pcode@AF{#2}($#3$)\\
{\bfseries Algorithme \thepseudocode:\pcode@tab{1}}\pcode@AF{#2}($#3$)\\[2ex]
\newcommand{\BOOL}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables booléennes }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\INT}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables entières }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\ENT}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables entières }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\FLOAT}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables réelles }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\REAL}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables réelles }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\REEL}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables réelles }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\STRING}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries chaînes de caractères }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\CHAINE}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries chaînes de caractères }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\ARRAY}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries tableaux }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\TABLEAU}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries tableaux }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\LOCAL}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables locales }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\GLOBAL}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables globales }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\EXTERNAL}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables externes }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\newcommand{\EXTERNE}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries variables externes }\pcode@tab{1}#1}
\mbox{\bfseries Commentaire: }\pcode@tab{.5} \mbox{#1}
\mbox{\bfseries procédure }\pcode@AF{#1}(\ensuremath{#2})\\%
\newcommand{\ENDPROCEDURE}{\vspace*{2ex}\end{array}\\ }
\newcommand{\FINPROCEDURE}{\vspace*{2ex}\end{array}\\ }
\newcommand{\CALL}[2]{\pcode@AF{#1}(#2)} %
\newcommand{\APPEL}[2]{\pcode@AF{#1}(#2)} %
\newcommand{\MAIN}{\mbox{\bfseries principal }\\\begin{array}{@{\pcode@tab{1}}lr@{}}}
\newcommand{\RETURN}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{} }%
{\mbox{\bfseries fini }}%
{\mbox{\bfseries retourne }(#1)}}
\newcommand{\RETOURNE}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{} }%
{\mbox{\bfseries fini }}%
{\mbox{\bfseries retourne }(#1)}}
\newcommand{\INPUT}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries Entrer }(#1)}
\newcommand{\ENTRER}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries Entrer }(#1)}
\newcommand{\OUTPUT}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries Afficher }(#1)}
\newcommand{\AFF}[1]{\mbox{\bfseries Afficher }(#1)}
\newcommand{\EXIT}{\mbox{\bfseries quitte }}
\newcommand{\BREAK}{\mbox{\bfseries rompt }}
\newcommand{\IF}{\mbox{\bfseries si }}
\newcommand{\SI}{\mbox{\bfseries si }}
\newcommand{\LET}{\mbox{\bfseries soit }}
\newcommand{\SOIT}{\mbox{\bfseries soit }}
\newcommand{\THEN}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries alors }}
\newcommand{\ALORS}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries alors }}
\newcommand{\ELSE}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries sinon }}
\newcommand{\SINON}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries sinon }}
\newcommand{\ELSEIF}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries sinon, si }}
\newcommand{\SINONSI}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries sinon, si }}
\newcommand{\FOREACH}{\mbox{\bfseries pour chaque }}
\newcommand{\POURTOUT}{\mbox{\bfseries pour tout }}
\newcommand{\FORALL}{\mbox{\bfseries pour tout }}
\newcommand{\FOR}{\mbox{\bfseries pour }}
\newcommand{\POUR}{\mbox{\bfseries pour }}
\newcommand{\TO}{\mbox{ \bfseries jusqu'à }}
\newcommand{\JUSQUE}{\mbox{ \bfseries jusqu'à }}
\newcommand{\DOWNTO}{\mbox{ \bfseries descendant jusqu'à }}
\newcommand{\CASE}{\mbox{\bfseries selon }}
\newcommand{\SELON}{\mbox{\bfseries selon }}
\newcommand{\OF}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries parmi }\BEGIN}
\newcommand{\PARMI}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries parmi }\BEGIN}
\newcommand{\AND}{\mbox{ \bfseries et }}
\newcommand{\ET}{\mbox{ \bfseries et }}
\newcommand{\OR}{\mbox{ \bfseries ou }}
\newcommand{\OU}{\mbox{ \bfseries ou }}
\newcommand{\NOT}{\mbox{ \bfseries non }}
\newcommand{\NON}{\mbox{ \bfseries non }}
\newcommand{\SUCCESS}{\mbox{ \bfseries succès }}
\newcommand{\SUCCES}{\mbox{ \bfseries succès }}
\newcommand{\FAIL}{\mbox{ \bfseries échec }}
\newcommand{\ECHEC}{\mbox{ \bfseries échec }}
\newcommand{\TRUE}{\mbox{ \bfseries vrai }}
\newcommand{\VRAI}{\mbox{ \bfseries vrai }}
\newcommand{\FALSE}{\mbox{ \bfseries faux }}
\newcommand{\FAUX}{\mbox{ \bfseries faux }}
\newcommand{\GOTO}{\mbox{\bfseries aller à }}
\newcommand{\DO}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries faire }}
\newcommand{\FAIRE}{\\\pcode@tab{1}\mbox{ \bfseries faire }}
\newcommand{\WHILE}{\mbox{\bfseries tant que }}
\newcommand{\TANTQUE}{\mbox{\bfseries tant que }}
\newcommand{\REPEAT}{\mbox{\bfseries répéter }\\\begin{array}{@{\pcode@tab{1}}lr@{}}}
\newcommand{\REPETE}{\mbox{\bfseries répéter }\\\begin{array}{@{\pcode@tab{1}}lr@{}}}
\newcommand{\UNTIL}{\end{array}\\\mbox{\bfseries jusqu'à }}
\newcommand{\JUSQUA}{\end{array}\\\mbox{\bfseries jusqu'à }}
%% END pseudodcode.sty