# Courbe sinusoidale set term latex size 11cm, 6cm set out "Echantillonage.tex" #set term postscript eps #set out "Echantillonage.eps" set title '\large\- Signal 20 Hz ; freq. echant. 400 Hz' set xlabel 'Temps t/s' set ylabel '\rotatebox{90}{Tension U(t)/V}' set label "\\(T_e=0,0025\\,s\\)" at graph 0.25,0.25 center set decimalsign ',' set arrow 3 from graph 0.2,0.3 to 0.01,-0.05 #set arrow from graph 0.25,0.25 to 0.25,0.3 #set key spacing 1.25 set xrange [0:0.05] set yrange [-6:6] set samples 20 set boxwidth plot 5*sin(2*pi*20*x) title '\(V(t)=5\cdot \sin(2\cdot \pi\cdot 20\cdot t\))' lt 1 lw 2, 5*sin(2*pi*20*x) title 'Echantillons' with boxes lw 1 lt 1 #set boxwidth 0.2 #replot 5*sin(x) title "précipitations" with steps #pause -1 "Faire retour"