set xrange [-6:6] set yrange [-6:6] set iso 30 # taille de la grille de points #set samp 37 # nombre de points utilisés set samples 40 # nombre de points utilisés set clip one set zeroaxis unset key a = .0001 k = 9e9 # La charge positive Q = 1e-6 xpos = -3 set object 1 circle front at xpos,0 size 0.1 fillcolor rgb "black" lw 1 set arrow from xpos-.06,0 to xpos+.06,0 nohead front set arrow from xpos,-0.07 to xpos,0.07 nohead front #set arrow from -1,-6 to -1,6 ls 4 nohead # La charge négative q = -1e-6 xneg = 3 set object 2 circle front at xneg,0 size 0.1 fillcolor rgb "black" lw 1 set arrow from xneg-.06,0 to xneg+.06,0 nohead front #set arrow from 1,-6 to 1,6 nohead # Le graphe plot '++' using 1:2:\ (a*k*Q*($1-xpos)/(($1-xpos)**2+$2**2)**1.5+a*k*q*($1-xneg)/(($1-xneg)**2+$2**2)**1.5):\ (a*k*Q*$2/(($1-xpos)**2+$2**2)**1.5+a*k*q*$2/(($1-xneg)**2+$2**2)**1.5)\ w vect size .06, 15 filled pause -1