% This file was created with JabRef 2.3.1. % Encoding: UTF-8 @BOOK{AK05, title = {Mesurer le monde. L'incroyable histoire de l'invention du m{\`e}tre.}, publisher = {Flammarion}, year = {2005}, author = {Ken Alder}, edition = {Original 2002, 2005 pour la traduction, Flammarion}, note = {Ouvrage remarquable qui interroge sur l'unification des syst{\`e}mes d'unit{\'e}s.} } @BOOK{FB92, title = {Einstein 1905, De l'{\'e}ther au quanta}, publisher = {voir}, year = {1992}, author = {Fran\c{c}oise Balibar} } @BOOK{FB05, title = {Qu'est-ce que la mati{\`e}re}, publisher = {Le pommier/Cit{\'e} des sciences et de l'industrie, Paris}, year = {2005}, author = {Fran\c{c}oise Balibar and Jean-Marc L{\'e}vi-Leblond and Roland Lehoucq}, note = {Petit ouvrage d'une clart{\'e} extraordinaire.} } @BOOK{EB49, title = {L'{\'e}lectromagn{\'e}tisme}, publisher = {Manquant}, year = {1949}, author = {E. Bauer} } @BOOK{HB99, title = {Physique II {\'E}lectricit{\'e} et magn{\'e}tisme}, publisher = {Ed. du Renouveau P{\'e}dagogique, Saint-Laurent (Quebec)}, year = {1999}, author = {Harris Benson and Paul Antaki and Pierre Boucher} } @BOOK{HB99-a, title = {Physique III Ondes, optique et physique moderne}, publisher = {Ed. du Renouveau P{\'e}dagogique, Saint-Laurent (Quebec)}, year = {1999}, author = {Harris Benson and Paul Antaki and Pierre Boucher} } @BOOK{BM85, title = {isaac newton, principia mathematica}, publisher = {Christian Bourgois}, year = {1985}, author = {Marie-Fran\c{c}oise Biarnais} } @BOOKLET{CB82, title = {Amp{\`e}re et la cr{\'e}ation de l'{\'e}lectrodynamique}, author = {C. Blondel}, year = {1982} } @BOOK{JB05, title = {Comment BRANLY a d{\'e}couvert la radio Un si{\`e}cle de t{\'e}l{\'e}communications}, publisher = {EDP sciences Les Ulis Cedex A, France}, year = {2005}, author = {Jean-Claude Boudenot} } @BOOK{MB46, title = {Cours de physique I Optique}, publisher = {Masson et Cie}, year = {1946}, author = {Marc Bruhat}, volume = {1} } @BOOK{FC05, title = {Plan{\`e}tes extrasolaires}, publisher = {Belin Pour la science}, year = {2005}, author = {Fabienne Casoli and Th{\'e}r{\`e}se Encrenaz} } @UNPUBLISHED{SC04, author = {S{\'e}bastien Chaumat}, title = {Replicator 3.1 for Debian GNU/Linux Sarge User's Guide}, note = {PDF}, year = {2004} } @UNPUBLISHED{SC01, author = {S{\'e}bastien Chaumat and Loic Prylli}, title = {R{\'e}plicator : Outil d'installation automatique de Debian/GNU-Linux}, note = {PDF}, year = {2001} } @ARTICLE{CdC84, author = {Charles-Augustin De Coulomb}, title = {M{\'e}moires sur l'{\'e}lectricit{\'e} et le magn{\'e}tisme}, journal = {Collection de m{\'e}moires relatifs {\`a} la physique publi{\'e}s par la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} fran\c{c}aise de physique}, year = {1884}, number = {Premier et second m{\'e}moire 1785}, note = {Consultable en ligne {\`a} l'adresse : http://cnum.cnam.fr/CGI/fpage.cgi?8CA121-1/126/100/416/79/316}, volume = {Tome 1} } @BOOK{JJD21, title = {Histoire de l'astronomie moderne}, publisher = {Courcier, Paris}, year = {1821}, author = {Jean-Baptiste Joseph Delambre}, note = {Ce livre est publi{\'e} par google book {\`a} l'adresse http://books.google.ch sous ``Histoire de l'astronomie moderne''. Il existe aussi son pendant ``Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne''.} } @BOOK{Des91, title = {Discours de la m{\'e}thode {L}a dioptrique}, publisher = {Gallimard essais}, year = {1991}, author = {Descartes} } @BOOK{BD00, title = {La{T}e{X} {A}pprentissage, guide et r{\'e}f{\'e}rence}, publisher = {Vuibert, Paris}, year = {2000}, author = {Bernard Desgraupes} } @BOOK{MF69, title = {Faraday's select researches in electricity}, publisher = {Everyman's library}, year = {1869}, author = {Michael Faraday}, note = {Consultable en ligne {\`a} l'adresse : \url{http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Experimental\_researches\_in\_electricity\_022.jpg}}, editor = {{Ernest Rhys}} } @BOOK{RF79, title = {Le cours de physique de Feynman {\'E}lectromagn{\'e}tisme 1}, publisher = {Leighton, Sands}, year = {1979}, author = {Richard Feynman} } @BOOK{BF06, title = {Moi, Benjamin Franklin Citoyen du monde, homme des Lumi{\`e}res}, publisher = {Dunod, Paris}, year = {2006}, author = {Benjamin Franklin}, editor = {Autobiographie et textes scientifiques de Benjamin Franklin and r{\'e}unis et comment{\'e}s par Jean Audouze} } @BOOK{GG92, title = {Dialogue sur les deux grands syst{\`e}mes du monde}, publisher = {Seuil Points Sciences}, year = {1992}, author = {Galileo Galilei}, month = sep } @BOOK{CG94, title = {La foudre}, publisher = {Masson}, year = {1994}, author = {Claude Gary} } @BOOK{RG06, title = {Alice au pays des quanta}, publisher = {Le Pommier, Paris}, year = {2006}, author = {Robert Gilmore}, note = {Traduction de l'anglais ``Alice in Quantumland'' de Robert Gilemore 1995 Springer-Verlag, New York} } @BOOK{KHG09, title = {Manuel de prise en main de XML}, publisher = {Pearson}, year = {2009}, author = {Kevin Howard Goldberg} } @BOOK{MG07, title = {The La{T}e{X} Graphics {C}ompanion}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = {2007}, author = {Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Sebastian Rahtz and Denis Roegel and Herbert Voss} } @BOOK{MG97, title = {The {L}a{T}e{X} {G}raphics {C}ompanion}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = {1997}, author = {Michel Goossens and Sebastien Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach} } @BOOK{GSJ05, title = {Le renard et le h{\'e}risson}, publisher = {Seuil, science ouverte}, year = {2005}, author = {Stephen Jay Gould}, edition = {Harmony Books, New York, 2003}, month = oct } @BOOK{GC88, title = {M{\'e}canique g{\'e}n{\'e}rale}, publisher = {Presses polytechniques romandes}, year = {1988}, author = {Christian Gruber}, address = {CH-1015 Lausanne}, edition = {Premi{\`e}re}, note = {Ouvrage tr{\`e}s complet mais tr{\`e}s math{\'e}matique.}, editor = {Roland Fivaz} } @BOOK{OG04, title = {Tout savoir sur les mar{\'e}es}, publisher = {{\'E}ditions Ouest-France}, year = {2004}, author = {Odile Gu{\'e}rin}, month = jun, note = {Excellent ouvrage qui d{\'e}compose l'analyse du ph{\'e}nom{\`e}ne des mar{\'e}es en diff{\'e}rents rythmes. Cela permet une tr{\`e}s grande clart{\'e} dans l'explication astronomique et essentiellement newtonienne (m{\^e}me si les mar{\'e}es c{\^o}ti{\`e}res sont abord{\'e}es).} } @BOOK{SH03, title = {Sur les {\'e}paules des g{\'e}ants}, publisher = {Dunod, Paris}, year = {2003}, author = {Stephen Hawking} } @ARTICLE{entry-3, author = {Inconnu}, title = {L'aluminium pour stocker l'{\'e}lectricit{\'e}}, journal = {La recherche}, year = {1989}, month = dec } @BOOKLET{PL36, title = {Exposition du syst{\`e}me du monde}, author = {Pierre-Simon Laplace}, year = {1836}, note = {Le texte complet se trouve aux deux adresses suivantes : Sous forme caract{\`e}res : \url{http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k88763c} Sous forme d'images : \url{http://gallica.bnf.fr/Catalogue/noticesInd/FRBNF30739022.htm}} } @BOOK{Le08, title = {Gimp pour les photographes du num{\'e}rique}, publisher = {Pearson}, year = {2008}, author = {Bettina K. Lechner} } @BOOK{LJ04, title = {Les {\'e}nergies renouvelables}, publisher = {Delachaux et Niestl{\'e}}, year = {2004}, author = {Jean-Christian Lhomme}, edition = {R{\'e}impression 2005, second tirage}, month = mar } @BOOK{EL99, title = {M{\'e}canique}, publisher = {DeBoeck Universit{\'e}}, year = {1999}, author = {Eric Lindemann} } @BOOK{RL87, title = {Histoire de la physique}, publisher = {Que sais-je ?}, year = {1987}, author = {R. Loqueneux} } @BOOK{HAL04, title = {Ergebnisse und Probleme der Elektronentheorie}, publisher = {Elektronischen Verein zu Berlin, Heerhugowaard}, year = {1904}, author = {Hendrik Antoon Lorentz}, note = {Texte original en allemand disponible {\`a} l'adresse : \url{http://www.historyofscience.nl/search/detail.cfm?startrow=15\&view=image\&pubid=2467\&search=\&var\_pdf=\&var\_pages=}ou \url{http://www.historyofscience.nl/works_detail.cfm?RecordId=5}} } @MANUAL{VL, title = {Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur {L}a{T}e{X} sans jamais oser le demander, ou comment utiliser {L}a{T}e{X} quand on n'y conna\^{\i}t goutte}, author = {Vincent Lozano}, address = {\url=http://cours.enise.fr/info/latex/=}, month = jul, year = {2000} } @BOOK{JL06, title = {De la mati{\`e}re relativiste quantique interactive}, publisher = {Traces {\'e}crites, {\'E}dition du Seuil}, year = {2006}, author = {Jean-Marc L{\'e}vy-Leblond}, month = sep } @BOOK{JL96, title = {Aux contraires L'exercice de la pens{\'e}e et la pratique de la science}, publisher = {Gallimard nrf essais}, year = {1996}, author = {Jean-Marc L{\'e}vy-Leblond} } @BOOK{FM06, title = {Adieu p{\'e}trole ... Vive les {\'e}nergies renouvelables !}, publisher = {Dunod, Paris}, year = {2006}, author = {Francis Meunier and Christine Meunier-Castelain} } @BOOK{FM05, title = {La{T}e{X} {C}ompanion}, publisher = {Pearson Education France, Paris}, year = {2005}, author = {Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens} } @BOOK{MJ66, title = {M{\'e}canique}, publisher = {Centrale d'achats de la ville de Bienne}, year = {1966}, author = {J.-A. Monard}, address = {Rue du Fer 9, CH-2500 Bienne} } @BOOK{HN00, title = {La physique et la terre}, publisher = {Belin, CNRS {\'e}dition}, year = {2008}, author = {Henri-Claude Nataf and Jo{\"e}l Sommeria} } @BOOK{HNHR08, title = {Carnets de voyages relativistes. De la terre vers un trou noir.}, publisher = {Belin, Pour la science}, year = {2008}, author = {Hans-Peter Nollert and Hanns Ruder} } @BOOK{GO27, title = {Th{\'e}orie math{\'e}matique des courants {\'e}lectriques}, publisher = {Gallica Biblioth{\`e}que Nationale de France BNF}, year = {1827}, author = {Georg-Simon Ohm}, month = {1} # may, note = {Consultable en ligne {\`a} l'adresse : \url{http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k95177w/f62.table}}, editor = {J.-M. Gaugain} } @BOOK{CG06, title = {Optique g{\'e}om{\'e}trique}, publisher = {Ellipses, Paris}, year = {2006}, author = {Pascal Olive and Christian Grosset{\^e}te}, month = jul } @BOOK{OP06, title = {{\'E}oliennes, quand le vent nous {\'e}claire}, publisher = {Privat}, year = {2006}, author = {Philippe Ollivier}, month = mar, editor = {Philippe Terrancle} } @BOOK{HRaFL03, title = {Mal de Terre}, publisher = {{\'E}dition du Seuil, Paris}, year = {2003}, author = {Hubert Reeves and Fr{\'e}deric Lenoir}, month = mar } @ARTICLE{JR07, author = {Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Robredo}, title = {Comment l'univers {\`a} perdu tout point fixe}, journal = {Ciel et Espace}, year = {2007}, month = jun, volume = {Juin 2007} } @BOOK{JR00, title = {Giordano Bruno apr{\`e}s le b{\^u}cher}, publisher = {Complexe}, year = {2000}, author = {Jean Rocchi}, note = {Un ouvrage fantastique qui remet Galil{\'e}e {\`a} sa juste place.}, editor = {Complexe} } @BOOK{JR87, title = {Histoire de la physique}, publisher = {Seuil}, year = {1987}, author = {J. Rosmorduc}, volume = {tome 1}, series = {Points Sciences}, editor = {Seuil} } @UNPUBLISHED{PS04, author = {P. Saad{\'e} and G. Haberer and A. Peuch}, title = {Installation et utilisation de r{\'e}plicator, outil de clonage de poste}, note = {PDF}, year = {2004}, address = {\url=http://rzomt.free.fr=} } @MANUAL{TO03, title = {Une courte (?) introduction {\`a} {L}a{T}e{X} 2e}, author = {Tobias Oetiker Hubert Partl Ir{\`e}ne Hyna Elisabeth Schlegl}, address = {\url=http://www.laas.fr/~matthieu/cours/latex2e/=}, year = {2003} } @BOOK{ES, title = {Les physiciens classiques et leurs d{\'e}couvertes}, publisher = {voir}, year = {}, author = {E. Segr{\'e}} } @BOOK{AS06, title = {La science au p{\'e}ril de sa vie ; les aventuriers de la mesure du monde}, publisher = {Vuibert / Adapt}, year = {2006}, author = {Arkan Simaan}, month = mar } @ARTICLE{AS02, author = {Arkan Simaan}, title = {Sur l'exp{\'e}rience d'{\'E}rathost{\`e}ne}, journal = {Bulletin de l'Union des physiciens}, year = {2002}, month = jul, note = {Suite {\`a} l'article ``Histoire des sciences : une exp{\'e}rience p{\'e}dagogique en seconde'', BUP No 843, avril 2002.}, pages = {1193--1196}, volume = {96} } @BOOK{BS07, title = {La mar{\'e}e La mar{\'e}e oc{\'e}anique c{\^o}ti{\`e}re}, publisher = {Institut oc{\'e}anographique, Paris-Monaco}, year = {2007}, author = {Bernard Simon}, month = jan, note = {Ouvrage tr{\`e}s complet et tr{\`e}s math{\'e}matique d'analyse du ph{\'e}nom{\`e}ne de mar{\'e}e. La description statique de Newton est donn{\'e}e en terme de changement de r{\'e}f{\'e}rentiel non intertiel et en language vectoriel. Mais la construction de Procor y est tr{\`e}s pr{\'e}cis{\'e}ment justifi{\'e}e, ce qui est un grand m{\'e}rite. La description dynamique constitue le principal de l'ouvrage et se fonde sur l'analyse de Laplace. C'est un ouvrage qui nous place au coeur m{\^e}me des mod{\`e}les math{\'e}matiques n{\'e}cessaires pour pr{\'e}voir les mar{\'e}es.} } @BOOK{NT19, title = {Mes inventions}, publisher = {Electrical Experimenter}, year = {1919}, author = {Nikola Tesla}, note = {Le R{\'e}cit Autobiographique de NIKOLA tesla (1856 - 1943) Disponible {\`a} l'adresse : \url{http://www.extense.com/...}} } @ARTICLE{PT90, author = {Pierre Thuillier}, title = {De Frankenstein {\`a} Mister Crosse : les mythes de l'{\'e}lectrobiologie}, journal = {La recherche}, year = {1990}, month = nov } @BOOK{SV06, title = {La naissance des {\'e}l{\'e}ments. Du big bang {\`a} la Terre.}, publisher = {Odile Jacob, Paris}, year = {2006}, author = {Sylvie Vauclair}, month = oct } @MANUAL{entry-0, title = {Vademecum clinique du diagnostique au traitement}, edition = {12e ed.}, year = {1988} } @PROCEEDINGS{entry-2, title = {Les grandes d{\'e}couvertes}, year = {1979}, publisher = {Ed. C. Colomb} } @PROCEEDINGS{entry-1, title = {Histoire g{\'e}n{\'e}rale des sciences}, year = {1961}, volume = {tome III, volume 1} } @BOOK{DB08, title = {Expressions r{\'e}guli{\`e}res.}, publisher = {Pearson}, year = {2008}, author = {Bernard Desgraupes}, note = {Simple, clair et efficace. Mais peu théorique.} } @BOOK{LA04, title = {The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants.}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = {2004}, author = {Aristid Lindenmayer Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz}, note = {Ouvrage référence publié sur \url{http://algorithmicbotany.org/papers/}.} } @BOOK{CJ06, title = {Interpr{\'e}tation graphique d’une grammaire L-System}, publisher = {Ecole Polytechnique de l’Universite de Tours}, year = {2006}, author = {Jonathan Courtois Florent Renault} } @BOOK{PP94, title = {Language-Restricted Iterated Function Systems, Koch Constructions, and L-systems}, publisher = {University of Calgary SIGGRAPH ’94 Course Notes. ACM Press}, year = {1994}, author = {Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz Mark Hammel} }